
JLI 5785 Winter: Decoding the Talmud

JLI 5785 Winter: Decoding the Talmud
Inside the Story, Substance, and Significance of the Book that Defines Judaism
Enter the intricate world of the Talmud: the monumental classic that has defined Jewish learning for centuries. Join this six-week course from the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute to discover the Talmud, its history, authors, and significance—and experience it for yourself.

You'll learn the key terms, logical principles, and historical context required to decode every part of the Talmudic page. Plus, see how it became central to Jewish life and why it inspires fascination, debate, and study today.
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Winter: Decoding the Talmud Morning Class   Feb 5, 10:00AM - Mar 12, 2025 12:00PM
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Winter: Decoding the Talmud Evening Class   Feb 5, 7:00PM - Mar 12, 2025 9:00PM
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